The Neon Tea Party's prediction for fall's must-have accessory: SOCKS!! Yes, socks, ladies and gentleman (mmhm Hemal--who by the way was wearing very lovely olive and navy argyle socks tonight!). I saw this three-pack of socks from J. Crew a few weeks ago when I was flipping through the new catalog and, seeing as they are neon, I obviously fell for them. They look soo much cuter in the catalog than online, fyi. Anyway, they had slipped my mind a bit until I had the sudden (yet common) urge to play dress-up and I decided to pair fun socks with my black Chanel oxfords and grey suede booties. Unfortunately, my cutest workable pair say I Love NY all over them and did not fly with my roommates, so now I turn back to the perfect hot pink-fluorescent yellow-turquoise trio of ankle socks, which will so wonderfully fit with the look that I'm trying to achieve. In the meantime, I've got the I Love NY's and a grey pair with pink butterflies which are on my feet right this very moment!
How do you feel about the sock-heel or sock oxford combo? Ever tried it before?
(Yes, I know this post is at almost 3 AM, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't do it now! Teehee.)
Okay, off to bed!
Peace, Love and Neon SOCKS,
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