Finally made it back to Boston after an UNBELIEVABLE weekend of being in the midst of full-blown fashion week action. Celebs, fashion celebs, models, parties, drinks galore, freebees, the works! Here’s the recap…
Thursday consisted of assisting the rag & bone design team with final prep for Friday’s show and hitting up Fashion’s Night Out, where Rebecca and I scored our bottle of limited edition Chanel Jade nail polish, indulged in free food and drinks, and met Phillip Lim at his SoHo store! Not too shabby...!!
And did I mention that I saw the Autumn '09 issue 10 Magazine with the I Love NY shoot in it-- and I was credited as a fashion assistant?!?!?!!!! Monumental occasion in the life of Marisa Rose Morrison, right there!!!
Anyway, Friday was show time and I got to the rag & bone office by 8 AM. I spent the first part of my day running between the office, the show venue and the belt manufacturer, which was really lame because it was raining and IMPOSSIBLE to get a cab. Needless to say, the rest of my day made up for that 100-fold! Being backstage at the show was incredible. I loved feeling the energy and seeing how everyone prepared for the show. There were professionals doing everything from guarding the doorways to dressing the models, so we interns just got to observe and lend the occasional hand.
Sasha, Lily, Freja, Kasia, Kim Noorda, Magdalena and more were all there in all of their long lanky glory! Sasha was wearing this all-black gettup complete with a black shawl over her head, which totally made her look like this beautifully haunting dementor of sorts. Caught Lily and Freja chilling in the back, laughing and smoking cigarettes.
And the male models were out of this world gorgeous--and quite friendly and funny at that!
When it came time for the show, I was able to go out to the runway to watch--and I even got a seat!! I sat right behind the Voguettes, including Anna and Grace right in the center, and got to say hi to some of the editors at Teen Vogue who were also right by me. Across the way sat Stam (who was not walking in the show) and Jessica Szor, who both looked like the cool girls in class.
The show was stunning, thanks to the rag & bone design team and stylist Tabitha Simmons, who so perfectly layered the military inspired pieces and classic rag & bone basics into wearable, yet impeccably stylish, looks. Check it out on!!

Following the show, we interns stuck with the r&b team and went to the Brass Monkey for food and drinks to celebrate, then hit up the official after party in the basement of Simyone. Lots of dancing and silly antics ensued. Then I stopped by the unofficial after-after party and quickly decided it was time for bed. I was only running on 4 1/2 hours of sleep, people!!
I spent the rest of the weekend hanging out with my mom--mainly acting as her personal stylist and taking her to Bloomie's twice in two days. It's all good because she paid me in new makeup for my services (I had lost my make up bag at Brass Monkey and I guess she felt bad).
Now it's back to school in Boston and back to real life. Time to focus on getting good grades, working on The Buzz, and making some dinero for my semester abroad. But don't think I won't still be posting fabulously fashionable news, events and coveted items... We have a whole month left of fashion shows galore!!
Peace, Love and Neon,
ahh love it! i wanna see the article in 10!!