This is a very, very dangerous thing.
For those of you who haven't been keeping up with J.Crew's merchandise in the past couple years, it's been shapin' up BIG TIME under the direction of creative director Jenna Lyons. No longer a one-stop-shop for prepsters and prepsters only, it has become a fashion forward establishment selling special pieces that every woman needs. Perfect striped shirts, party dresses, pants that fit everyone, comfy button-downs and slouchy sweaters--and all with a unique flair. And that's just the basic J.Crew line...
The J.Crew collection, a fancier J.Crew line sold at a higher price point, is spectacular and I spend much of my time at the store ogling all things sequined and sparkly that I would just LOVE to add to my wardrobe. But alas, I am working for a reason: to make money, NOT spend it, and so I continue to refrain from buying much more than just affordable work-appropriate clothing.
Nevertheless, I can still share my favorite pieces and lookbook looks with you!

ugh i see a mono in there... want it.